We want to make sure you get the most out of our website. Here are some tips to help with accessibility. When in doubt, check your browser’s built-in documentation.
Internet Explorer (IE)
Change font sizes:
Internet Explorer 7+: from the ‘Page’ menu choose the ‘Text size’ option
Internet Explorer 6 and below: from the ‘View’ menu choose the ‘Text size’ option
Change colour and font settings:
From the ‘Tools’ menu choose ‘Internet Options’
Select the ‘Accessibility’ button (bottom right)
By checking the desired checkboxes, you can force the browser to ignore the colours, font styles and font sizes which would normally display on this website
Disable images:
From the ‘Tools’ menu choose ‘Internet Options’
Select the ‘Advanced’ tab (top right)
Scroll down to the ‘Multimedia’ section
Untick the checkbox labelled ‘Show pictures’
Mozilla Firefox
Change font sizes:
From the ‘View’ menu choose the ‘Text Size’ option
Change colour and font settings:
On OSX: with Firefox in focus, select the Firefox ‘Menu’ followed by ‘Preferences’
On other platforms: from the ‘Tools’ menu choose ‘Options’
Select the ‘Content’ tab
To select fonts:
Within the ‘Fonts & Colors’ section select the default font and size from the drop-down menus
Clicking the ‘Advanced’ tab will display a new dialog. To enforce your previous font selection, untick the checkbox ‘Allow pages to choose their own fonts instead of my selections above
To select colours:
Within the ‘Fonts & Colors’ section click the ‘Colors’ button
The dialog that appears allows you to select a colour palette that best suits your preferences
To enforce your colour selection, untick the checkbox ‘Allow pages to choose their own colours instead of my selections above’
Disable images:
On OSX: with Firefox in focus, select the Firefox ‘Menu’ followed by ‘Preferences’
On other platforms: from the ‘Tools’ menu choose ‘Options’
Select the ‘Content’ tab
Untick the checkbox labelled ‘Load images automatically’
Further help
If your browser isn’t covered here, or you would like more in-depth information, visit the BBC’s online guide My Web my Way which explains the different accessibility features provided by your web browser.