80% of the families who attend our Storytelling sessions do not attend any other group with their child/ren.
100% of the families attending rated the groups as ‘excellent’ for helping their children learn new words from stories and rhymes, and reported they now felt more confident and enjoyed sharing a story with their child/ren more (Autumn / Winter parent/carer survey 2022).
” Literacy Volunteer’s weekly session at Hyson Green Library is very valued and loved by the diverse community it serves. Hyson Green is one of the most deprived areas of Nottingham and there are very few organisations providing free services for children. Many of the attendees have English as their second language, this session helps to develop their language skills which in turn helps with child’s early years development and preparing them for nursery. The session provides space for people to come together tackling social isolation and promoting mental wellbeing. Staff deliver the session with great dedication and love. They are very welcoming, supportive and should be applauded. We need this service even more today in the current climate.” – Library manager, Hyson Green library, Mary Potter Centre
“My daughter enjoys coming to the sessions. She is a lockdown baby; she doesn’t see many kids her age. The sessions help her to interact with other children.”
“We really love these groups. I bring my daughter who has special needs, and the group has helped her a lot.”
“I love the diversity of the group”
“My daughter is more confident.”
“It really helps children’s speech and social skills”
“My daughter is more comfortable and her confidence has grown. As a mother I am comfortable around everyone, I feel secure”
“It helps my mental health to get out”
“So much fun, and an opportunity to meet other parents. Please keep going!”
“It is a safe space”