Below is a flavour of the what the Charity has been involved with recently.
Below is a flavour of the what the Charity has been involved with recently.
Our AGM takes place on Friday 21st March 2 – 4pm at Beeston Methodist Church and all are warmly welcomed.
We had Nottingham Trent University Early Childhood Studies students, Mia and Libie, supporting our Early Years team in the office and in our Storytelling sessions in December. We really enjoyed having them with us and look forward to them joining us again in 2025 to complete their placements.
We’re delighted to welcome Karen to the Literacy Volunteers team, who is joining as a new Volunteer Co-ordinator for schools. Karen introduces herself below:
Literacy Volunteers being featured on BBC news online about our long serving Volunteers and also featured on Radio Nottingham Verity Cowley breakfast show this morning. Have a listen! Click on links below.
7.09am slot for Volunteers, children and school.
8.10am slot for a bit about us Literacy Volunteers
The volunteers who have helped hundreds of pupils – BBC News
Literacy Volunteers would like to say a huge thank you to our brilliant Volunteer Sue Breedon who retired from her volunteering role after 18 years at Mellers Primary School. Sue’s dedication and commitment to helping children with their literacy for so many years is outstanding. There was a special farewell event for Sue held at the school. Everyone at Literacy Volunteers wish her all the very best.
Literacy Volunteers had a successful Summer Event on Friday 12th July, celebrating volunteers and a good year for the charity. There was a great turnout of Volunteers and guests, a charity update by Chair Mike Collis, 10 year presentation to volunteer Ulda, staff presentation, raffle, tombola and refreshments. An enjoyable morning for everyone.
Huge thank you to all the businesses that provided us with prizes for the raffle.
Literacy Volunteers had a successful Summer Event on Friday 12th July, celebrating volunteers and a good year for the charity. There was a great turnout of Volunteers and guests, a charity update by Chair Mike Collis, 10 year presentation to volunteer Ulda, staff presentation, raffle, tombola and refreshments. An enjoyable morning for everyone.
Huge thank you to all the businesses that provided us with prizes for the raffle.
We are excited to share that we’ve received funding from The National Lottery Community Fund for our early year’s project Learning To Love Books. This will enable us to continue supporting families with children aged 0-4 across Nottingham city. Thank you to The National Lottery for their support.
Literacy Volunteers had a successful Summer Event on Friday 12th July, celebrating volunteers and a good year for the charity. There was a great turnout of Volunteers and guests, a charity update by Chair Mike Collis, 10 year presentation to volunteer Ulda, staff presentation, raffle, tombola and refreshments. An enjoyable morning for everyone.
Huge thank you to all the businesses that provided us with prizes for the raffle.
Literacy Volunteers had a successful Summer Event on Friday 12th July, celebrating volunteers and a good year for the charity. There was a great turnout of Volunteers and guests, a charity update by Chair Mike Collis, 10 year presentation to volunteer Ulda, staff presentation, raffle, tombola and refreshments. An enjoyable morning for everyone.
Huge thank you to all the businesses that provided us with prizes for the raffle.
Recently Sue Marriott School Lead, Literacy Volunteer Mel Cope met at St Patricks Catholic Primary, Mansfield, with Katy Godfrey (class teacher) with Tony Delahunty (MD Radio Mansfield). Tony had an interesting interview with the three about the charity and how we work, why Mel became a Volunteer, her role and how much the school and children benefit from a Literacy Volunteers help in school. Click on the link and have a listen Episode 89.
We had a lovely celebration for Dot Bishton with her school and Volunteer/Schools Co-ordinator Emma Trowbridge in attendance. Dot has been volunteering at St John’s C of E Primary School in Stapleford for a fantastic 10 years! A big thank you to Dot!
We are excited about the launch of a new volunteer management system called Volunteero which is a software platform which will help with the communication, co-ordination and management of our Volunteers and
schools. The staff are being trained on the new system with the expectation that our Volunteers and schools will begin to see the benefits flowing through over the next few months.
2023 was an exciting year for us. Please watch our ‘Year in Review’ video that was produced for our AGM.
Click the image to see the video.
A huge ‘Thank you’ to our Volunteer Heroes Gaynor Preston (pic left) and Elaine Hobson (pic right) for achieving amazing milestones as Literacy Volunteers. Gaynor has been a Literacy Volunteer for 20 years and Elaine for 15 years. Both help at the same school Carnarvon Primary in Bingham. Volunteer/Schools Co-ordinator Emma Collis was able to celebrate their achievement with the Headteacher, Andrew Board and staff and children at a recent school assembly. The Head spoke to the children about the benefits of volunteering and also thanked and celebrated Gaynor and Elaine for their commitment to helping children in literacy and their outstanding long service. Both were presented with cards, certificate and gifts from the school and the Charity.
Our Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 13th December at Beeston Community Resource, Middle Street Resource Centre,
74 Middle Street, Beeston, NG9 2AR.
It was great to see our members and interested parties attend. Thank you to our speakers Troy Jenkinson, children’s author and Joy Buttress Head of School at Mellers Primary who gave informative and inspiring presentations.
A copy of our charity’s Trustee Annual Report and Accounts 2022 – 2023 is available to view.
We are delighted to have received £1,580 from the The Co-op Community Fund as one of the Sherwood store’s charity of the year.
These vital funds will be be used to fund books and activities for local families with pre-school children. Thank you so much to The Co-op, your support will make a big difference to help all children enjoy reading.
Our brilliant early years assistant, Marie, had a great time at Small Steps Big Change’s Bump to Baby event in St Ann’s (sharing a stand with Mehnaz from National Literacy Trust in Nottingham).
Ambleside very kindly allowed Literacy Volunteers to shot the photos for their new website in their school. They were so pleased with the photos they have set up a display in their main corridor to highlight all the great benefits their children get from working with Literacy Volunteers.
Literacy Volunteers has run three training courses for new Volunteers since the beginning of 2023 and will be running two more this year. We also run Safeguarding Courses for new Volunteers.
We run at least 3 Network Meetings for Literacy Volunteers on different dates every term and at a variety of venues over Nottinghamshire. Last term we met at West Bridgford, Chilwell and Mansfield. Volunteers caught up on Charity news, received new resources and had a good catch up with the staff team and importantly other Volunteers. We will be running 3 more network meetings this term in November.
Some of the staff team attended Volunteer recruitment fairs in Arnold, Newark and Chilwell. This is an important part of our work to help recruit new Volunteers, promote the work of our Charity and meet other volunteer organisations.
Literacy Volunteers had a stand at a Celebrating Volunteers Event at The Arboretum, Nottingham in early June 2023. On a beautiful sunny day it was great to see so many people there, meet potential new Volunteers, other Volunteer organisations and also visits from our own Volunteers.
Lorna Jaggard, our Early Years Project Lead, was invited to the Houses of Parliament this year to an event organised by The National Literacy Trust entitled ‘Literacy leaders levelling up for local leaders and constituency MPs to discuss the importance of literacy for levelling up our communities.’ Lorna met with Nottingham MPs Nadia Whittome (pictured right) and Lilian Greenwood and had really good discussions with them around the work that Literacy Volunteers do to support children through our Early Years programme, and in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire schools every week. Lorna also heard about the work being done by the Literacy Trust hubs and network, working in a place-based way with local communities at the heart.
Literacy Volunteers staff team Sue Marriott and Emma Collis were invited to attend and speak at the Rushcliffe Borough Council Mayor Inauguration in May 2023. The outgoing Mayor, Councillor Tina Combellack invited Sue to do a talk about Literacy Volunteers to the assembled Rushcliffe Councillors, dignitaries and guests. It was a great evening and enjoyable to meet so many people and to welcome in the new Mayor of Rushcliffe Borough Council Debbie Mason.