Benefit to schools

Our Volunteers provide hugely beneficial one to one literacy support, helping children with their reading, comprehension, vocabulary and conversational skills.

Volunteers have the opportunity in their sessions to spend time with children, improving their reading, discussing the magic of books and inspiring and encouraging reading for pleasure which is an essential part of their learning.

Supporting growth and development

Literacy Volunteers work is important because literacy challenges can cause low self-esteem, feelings of shame and lead to children not developing to their full potential. Literacy Volunteers in schools are investing in securing better outcomes for children which will generate genuine long-term benefits to society.


Why schools love having Literacy Volunteers

“We have continued to have outstanding support from our Literacy Volunteers. Their commitment to our school and the children they work with is fantastic. The children really enjoy their time with them and assessments show that children identified are making better progress.”

“We love the contribution the volunteers make to school and the individual confidence in reading and literacy of the pupils and there is the added bonus of some vulnerable children getting quality one to one time with an adult.”

“You offer a fabulous service, the relationships formed with the volunteer are particularly beneficial; the children look forward to spending time with their adult, and in doing so are looking forward to their reading.”

“We really value our Volunteers. They are part of “The Team” and do so much more than come to hear the children read. Thank you to them all.”